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Tabletop Renaissance Games & Hobbies

Infinity Single Day N5 tournament. April 13th

Regular price $20.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 CAD
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Border City Brawl

All Infinity players are welcome to the Windsor Sportsman Club at 2401 Dougall Ave, Windsor on April 13th for 3 rounds of long awaited N5 action!

This will be an ITS registered event using missions from Season 16, which is the current season at time of writing. Missions to be announced at a later date when the most up to date missions are released. Please confirm ticket purchase with the TO Brady Hakker (Rolandfirebrand on the TTR discord) and register on the ITs site along with your two lists submissions. Cut off for list submission will be April 6th.    

Tickets are to be bought prior to ITS registration, they can be purchased for $20 and are available until the cutoff date of April 6th.

The prize pool for the event will be a selection from the Season 16 ITS tournament pack as well as store credit for Table Top Renaissance for first, second and third place, along with best painted (as judged by TO). The exact amount to be won is based off attendance, so bring a friend! 

Check-in: 10:00

Round 1: 10:30-1:00

Lunch: 1:00-1:45

Round 2: 1:45-4:15

Break: 4:15-4:30

Round 3: 4:30-7:00

Disclaimer: We reserve the right to cancel the event and refund ticket prices if ticket sales do not support the event. 

Tournament registration is found below.